Bruntwork leverages Fabius to improve rep performace and reduce time to onboard

Bruntwork leverages Fabius to improve rep performace and reduce time to onboard

Bruntwork leverages Fabius to improve rep performace and reduce time to onboard

Bruntwork leverages Fabius to improve rep performace and reduce time to onboard

Bruntwork leverages Fabius to improve rep performace and reduce time to onboard




3000+ Employees

Bruntwork was founded in 2021 with the mission of providing businesses access to highly skilled remote workers at affordable rates. The company has grown rapidly, going from zero to over 3000 employees in just a few years. Bruntwork serves a global client base, with a particular focus on the US, UK, Australia and New Zealand markets. Bruntwork's business model involves recruiting, vetting and hiring remote workers, primarily in the Philippines, and then matching them with client companies looking to fill roles like virtual assistants, appointment setters, customer service reps, accountants, and more. Clients can hire staff through Bruntwork on a full-time, part-time or project basis.


Increase in closed won rates


Reduction in sales cycle time


Increase in sales efficiency


Increase in rep performance



The Challenge

The Challenge

Bruntwork experienced tremendous early growth, however, that rapid scaling also led to some challenges and inefficiencies that began impacting the business. Fabius partnered with Adam Pisk, the CRO at Bruntwork, to help them overcome these obstacles through our AI-powered solutions.

Challenges Faced by Bruntwork

As Bruntwork scaled up, the leadership team identified several key challenges that were hindering performance:

1. Inconsistent sales practices 

With a growing sales team spread across different geographies, Bruntwork struggled to enforce consistent best practices on sales calls. Newer reps were not always following the optimal talk tracks, leading to missed opportunities. There was no easy way for managers to review all calls and provide targeted coaching that was specific to Bruntwork’s sales motion and differentiators.

2. Manual sales tasks

Before Fabius, a sales rep at Bruntwork would spend hours a day doing manual tasks like writing follow up emails to prospects and writing up job descriptions for the internal hiring team. This meant they couldn’t take more meetings and often had a delay in moving the deal forward with a client because it was gated on manual work on their side.

3. Lack of data and insights

Across sales, recruiting and customer success, Bruntwork lacked granular data and analytics to assess performance and identify areas for improvement. Managers didn't have an easy way to see KPIs for each rep/agent, making it hard to spot coaching opportunities. Analyzing calls and emails to surface insights was a very manual, time-consuming process.

Bruntwork experienced tremendous early growth, however, that rapid scaling also led to some challenges and inefficiencies that began impacting the business. Fabius partnered with Adam Pisk, the CRO at Bruntwork, to help them overcome these obstacles through our AI-powered solutions.

Challenges Faced by Bruntwork

As Bruntwork scaled up, the leadership team identified several key challenges that were hindering performance:

1. Inconsistent sales practices 

With a growing sales team spread across different geographies, Bruntwork struggled to enforce consistent best practices on sales calls. Newer reps were not always following the optimal talk tracks, leading to missed opportunities. There was no easy way for managers to review all calls and provide targeted coaching that was specific to Bruntwork’s sales motion and differentiators.

2. Manual sales tasks

Before Fabius, a sales rep at Bruntwork would spend hours a day doing manual tasks like writing follow up emails to prospects and writing up job descriptions for the internal hiring team. This meant they couldn’t take more meetings and often had a delay in moving the deal forward with a client because it was gated on manual work on their side.

3. Lack of data and insights

Across sales, recruiting and customer success, Bruntwork lacked granular data and analytics to assess performance and identify areas for improvement. Managers didn't have an easy way to see KPIs for each rep/agent, making it hard to spot coaching opportunities. Analyzing calls and emails to surface insights was a very manual, time-consuming process.



Fabius' Solution

Fabius' Solution

To address these challenges, Fabius implemented a suite of AI-powered solutions to optimize Bruntwork's sales, recruiting and customer success workflows. Here's an overview of what we built:

1. Bruntwork-specific sales coaching

Using the Fabius platform (powered by LLMs), we analyzed sales call transcripts from Bruntwork's top performing reps to identify best practices and create an ideal talk track "rubric". We then used our platform to ingest all sales call recordings and transcripts, score each call against the ideal rubric, and generate a report with specific feedback on what the rep did well and areas for improvement.

The platform looks for key things like:

  • Did the rep do thorough discovery to understand the client's needs? 

  • Did they clearly explain Bruntwork's offering and value prop?

  • Did they address common objections? 

  • Did they create urgency and push for next steps?

Each category is scored on a 1-10 scale. Reps get this AI-generated coaching report as soon as the call ends. Managers can view dashboards with scores for each rep to easily identify coaching opportunities. 

2. Sales automation

In addition to sales coaching, Fabius also implemented sales automation tools to streamline repetitive tasks and save each rep hours per day. Two key areas of automation were prospect follow-up emails and job description generation for the internal recruiting team.

Prospect Follow-up Emails

After each sales call, reps need to send a personalized follow-up email to the prospect, summarizing the key points discussed and outlining next steps. Manually drafting these emails can be time-consuming, especially for reps who have a high volume of calls.

To automate this process, Fabius built an AI-powered email generation tool. The tool ingests the call transcript and uses natural language processing (NLP) to identify the most important points from the conversation, such as the prospect's pain points, objectives, and timeline. It then generates a draft email that the rep can review and customize before sending.

The AI-generated emails are highly personalized and contextually relevant, as they are based on the specific conversation with each prospect. This not only saves the rep time but also ensures that key details are not missed and that the email resonates with the prospect.

Job Description Generation

Another time-consuming task for Bruntwork's sales team was creating detailed job descriptions for each role a client wanted to fill. These job descriptions needed to be passed to the internal recruiting team to source and screen candidates.

Fabius automated this process by building an AI tool that generates job descriptions based on the sales call transcript. The tool uses NLP to extract key information from the call, such as the required skills, experience level, and responsibilities for the role. It then generates a comprehensive job description that the recruiting team can use to find the best-fit candidates.

The AI-generated job descriptions are highly accurate and capture all the essential details discussed during the sales call. This saves the sales rep from having to manually write out the job requirements and ensures that nothing is lost in translation when handing off to the recruiting team.

3. Comprehensive analytics

Across all workflows - sales, recruiting, customer success - we provide detailed analytics to measure performance and identify areas for improvement. Managers can easily see KPIs like call scores, hiring speed, candidate quality, client sentiment, and more. 

We also generate insights by analyzing data across the full client lifecycle. For example, by correlating sales call scores with downstream won/lost opportunities, we can identify the rep behaviors that most impact revenue. By analyzing the traits of top performing hires, we can refine screening criteria. This allows us to continuously optimize the AI models.

Technical Implementation 

Here's an overview of the key components involved in implementing these AI solutions:

Data Ingestion: We have integrations to automatically pull in data from all the relevant systems, including Bruntwork's CRM (Hubspot), ATS (Zoho Recruit), call recording system (Gong/Zoom), and email tools (Gmail). This data is synced on a continuous basis so the Fabius platform always has the latest information.

AI Models: At the core of the system are the AI models that process the data and generate insights. We use large language models that have context on Bruntwork's historical data for tasks like scoring sales calls, ranking candidates, and drafting emails..

User Interfaces: To surface the AI-generated insights to users, we built intuitive web dashboards for each function - sales, recruiting, customer success. The dashboards pull data from the AI models and present it in an easy-to-consume format. Users can drill down into detailed reports for each call, email, candidate, etc. 

We also built interfaces within Bruntwork's existing tools. For example, sales reps can see their AI-generated coaching and email draft right within their email. Recruiters can see the AI screening feedback in Zoho Recruit. This allows users to get the benefits of Fabius without disrupting their existing workflows.

To address these challenges, Fabius implemented a suite of AI-powered solutions to optimize Bruntwork's sales, recruiting and customer success workflows. Here's an overview of what we built:

1. Bruntwork-specific sales coaching

Using the Fabius platform (powered by LLMs), we analyzed sales call transcripts from Bruntwork's top performing reps to identify best practices and create an ideal talk track "rubric". We then used our platform to ingest all sales call recordings and transcripts, score each call against the ideal rubric, and generate a report with specific feedback on what the rep did well and areas for improvement.

The platform looks for key things like:

  • Did the rep do thorough discovery to understand the client's needs? 

  • Did they clearly explain Bruntwork's offering and value prop?

  • Did they address common objections? 

  • Did they create urgency and push for next steps?

Each category is scored on a 1-10 scale. Reps get this AI-generated coaching report as soon as the call ends. Managers can view dashboards with scores for each rep to easily identify coaching opportunities. 

2. Sales automation

In addition to sales coaching, Fabius also implemented sales automation tools to streamline repetitive tasks and save each rep hours per day. Two key areas of automation were prospect follow-up emails and job description generation for the internal recruiting team.

Prospect Follow-up Emails

After each sales call, reps need to send a personalized follow-up email to the prospect, summarizing the key points discussed and outlining next steps. Manually drafting these emails can be time-consuming, especially for reps who have a high volume of calls.

To automate this process, Fabius built an AI-powered email generation tool. The tool ingests the call transcript and uses natural language processing (NLP) to identify the most important points from the conversation, such as the prospect's pain points, objectives, and timeline. It then generates a draft email that the rep can review and customize before sending.

The AI-generated emails are highly personalized and contextually relevant, as they are based on the specific conversation with each prospect. This not only saves the rep time but also ensures that key details are not missed and that the email resonates with the prospect.

Job Description Generation

Another time-consuming task for Bruntwork's sales team was creating detailed job descriptions for each role a client wanted to fill. These job descriptions needed to be passed to the internal recruiting team to source and screen candidates.

Fabius automated this process by building an AI tool that generates job descriptions based on the sales call transcript. The tool uses NLP to extract key information from the call, such as the required skills, experience level, and responsibilities for the role. It then generates a comprehensive job description that the recruiting team can use to find the best-fit candidates.

The AI-generated job descriptions are highly accurate and capture all the essential details discussed during the sales call. This saves the sales rep from having to manually write out the job requirements and ensures that nothing is lost in translation when handing off to the recruiting team.

3. Comprehensive analytics

Across all workflows - sales, recruiting, customer success - we provide detailed analytics to measure performance and identify areas for improvement. Managers can easily see KPIs like call scores, hiring speed, candidate quality, client sentiment, and more. 

We also generate insights by analyzing data across the full client lifecycle. For example, by correlating sales call scores with downstream won/lost opportunities, we can identify the rep behaviors that most impact revenue. By analyzing the traits of top performing hires, we can refine screening criteria. This allows us to continuously optimize the AI models.

Technical Implementation 

Here's an overview of the key components involved in implementing these AI solutions:

Data Ingestion: We have integrations to automatically pull in data from all the relevant systems, including Bruntwork's CRM (Hubspot), ATS (Zoho Recruit), call recording system (Gong/Zoom), and email tools (Gmail). This data is synced on a continuous basis so the Fabius platform always has the latest information.

AI Models: At the core of the system are the AI models that process the data and generate insights. We use large language models that have context on Bruntwork's historical data for tasks like scoring sales calls, ranking candidates, and drafting emails..

User Interfaces: To surface the AI-generated insights to users, we built intuitive web dashboards for each function - sales, recruiting, customer success. The dashboards pull data from the AI models and present it in an easy-to-consume format. Users can drill down into detailed reports for each call, email, candidate, etc. 

We also built interfaces within Bruntwork's existing tools. For example, sales reps can see their AI-generated coaching and email draft right within their email. Recruiters can see the AI screening feedback in Zoho Recruit. This allows users to get the benefits of Fabius without disrupting their existing workflows.



Fabius' Impact

Fabius' Impact

The Fabius platform has driven significant improvements across Bruntwork's business:

Sales Performance

  • Closed won rates have increased by 30% 

  • Sales cycle time has been reduced by 50%

  • Each sales rep now takes 60% more meetings

  • New hire ramp time has been cut in half (and leadership spends half the time they used to on training)

  • Adherence to best practices, as measured by AI call scores, has increased from an average of 6.4 to 8.8 (out of 10)

Impact of Sales Automation

By automating prospect follow-up emails and job description generation, Fabius has helped Bruntwork's sales team save a significant amount of time on repetitive, administrative tasks. On average, each rep is saving 2-3 hours per day that they can now spend on higher-value activities like more prospect meetings.

This has led to an increase in both the quantity and quality of sales interactions. Reps are able to have more conversations with prospects, as they spend less time on post-call follow-up. And because the AI-generated emails and job descriptions are highly personalized and accurate, they are more effective at moving prospects through the sales funnel and getting buy-in from the recruiting team.


Bruntwork's rapid growth story is a testament to the power of leveraging global talent and cutting-edge technology. By partnering with Fabius to harness the power of AI across their business, Bruntwork has been able to scale efficiently and deliver exceptional results for their clients.

The results speak for themselves - significant improvements in key metrics like sales win rates, time-to-hire, and customer satisfaction, translating into accelerated revenue growth and profitability. Bruntwork and Fabius will continue to push the boundaries of what's possible with AI, pioneering new ways to help businesses access top global talent on demand.

The Fabius platform has driven significant improvements across Bruntwork's business:

Sales Performance

  • Closed won rates have increased by 30% 

  • Sales cycle time has been reduced by 50%

  • Each sales rep now takes 60% more meetings

  • New hire ramp time has been cut in half (and leadership spends half the time they used to on training)

  • Adherence to best practices, as measured by AI call scores, has increased from an average of 6.4 to 8.8 (out of 10)

Impact of Sales Automation

By automating prospect follow-up emails and job description generation, Fabius has helped Bruntwork's sales team save a significant amount of time on repetitive, administrative tasks. On average, each rep is saving 2-3 hours per day that they can now spend on higher-value activities like more prospect meetings.

This has led to an increase in both the quantity and quality of sales interactions. Reps are able to have more conversations with prospects, as they spend less time on post-call follow-up. And because the AI-generated emails and job descriptions are highly personalized and accurate, they are more effective at moving prospects through the sales funnel and getting buy-in from the recruiting team.


Bruntwork's rapid growth story is a testament to the power of leveraging global talent and cutting-edge technology. By partnering with Fabius to harness the power of AI across their business, Bruntwork has been able to scale efficiently and deliver exceptional results for their clients.

The results speak for themselves - significant improvements in key metrics like sales win rates, time-to-hire, and customer satisfaction, translating into accelerated revenue growth and profitability. Bruntwork and Fabius will continue to push the boundaries of what's possible with AI, pioneering new ways to help businesses access top global talent on demand.

See Fabius In Action

Curious how Fabius can move the needle on your unique sales KPIs? Let us create a custom demo, filled with insights from your team's actual calls and emails. No generic pitches - just a tailored analysis of how Fabius can become your reps' best sidekick.

See Fabius In Action

Curious how Fabius can move the needle on your unique sales KPIs? Let us create a custom demo, filled with insights from your team's actual calls and emails. No generic pitches - just a tailored analysis of how Fabius can become your reps' best sidekick.

See Fabius In Action

Curious how Fabius can move the needle on your unique sales KPIs? Let us create a custom demo, filled with insights from your team's actual calls and emails. No generic pitches - just a tailored analysis of how Fabius can become your reps' best sidekick.

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