Is Fabius right for my business?

Is Fabius right for my business?

Fabius is an extremely powerful tool for the right sales teams. Answer some questions below to determine if you're a good fit.

Unlock the full potential of your financial journey with our feature-rich finance app.

Do you have a repeatable sales process?

If you have a repeatable, high volume sales motion, Fabius is a great fit. We're less valuable to 7-figure, complex enterprise deals where a rep is only closing 1-2 deals a quarter.

If you have a repeatable, high volume sales motion, Fabius is a great fit.

We're less valuable to 7-figure, complex enterprise deals where a rep is only closing 1-2 deals a quarter.

Do you know why deals are won or lost?
Do you know what good discovery looks like?

If you have a clear idea of what good and bad looks like, Fabius is a great fit.

We're not as useful to companies that haven’t figured out if they have product market fit, or every rep has a low win rate.

Do your customers expect you to be experts in their business?

Does showing expertise in your customers, your products, and your industry leads to more closed deals? If your best rep talks to prospects differently than your worst rep, then we’ll be a huge lift.

Fabius is less valuable to companies that follow a rigid script to sell and don’t have variability in what they have to explain to customers or don’t need to be flexible based on customer circumstances or questions.

Do you have a repeatable sales process?

If you have a repeatable, high volume sales motion, Fabius is a great fit. We're less valuable to 7-figure, complex enterprise deals where a rep is only closing 1-2 deals a quarter.

Do you know why deals are won or lost?

If you have a clear idea of what good and bad looks like, Fabius is a great fit.

We're not as useful to companies that haven’t figured out if they have product market fit, or every rep has a low win rate.

Investment Insight

Access intelligent investment insights tailored to your risk tolerance and financial aspirations. Stay informed about market trends, and invest suggestions.

Secure Document Vault

Safeguard your important financial documents in our encrypted Secure Document Vault, from insurance policies to tax documents.

Digital Wallet Integration

Link your digital wallet to streamline transactions and manage all your financial activities in one place. For all Digital Wallet you know.

Do you have a repeatable sales process?

If you have a repeatable, high volume sales motion, Fabius is a great fit. We're less valuable to 7-figure, complex enterprise deals where a rep is only closing 1-2 deals a quarter.

Do you know why deals are won or lost?

If you have a clear idea of what good and bad looks like, Fabius is a great fit.

We're not as useful to companies that haven’t figured out if they have product market fit, or every rep has a low win rate.

Investment Insight

Access intelligent investment insights tailored to your risk tolerance and financial aspirations. Stay informed about market trends, and invest suggestions.

Secure Document Vault

Safeguard your important financial documents in our encrypted Secure Document Vault, from insurance policies to tax documents.

Digital Wallet Integration

Link your digital wallet to streamline transactions and manage all your financial activities in one place. For all Digital Wallet you know.


I have multiple Sales Motions based on channels or customer type, will Fabius still work?

I have multiple Sales Motions based on channels or customer type, will Fabius still work?

Yes, we can support multiple types of sales motions for you so that you don’t have a shoddy one-size-fits-all approach that doesn’t work for anyone.

Have a different motion for inbound vs outbound? New business vs cross-sell? We can analyze those types of deals differently.

Our expertly crafted content covers a spectrum of topics, from budgeting and investing to understanding credit scores.

I’m looking for an orchestration tool or Sales Engagement Platform - something that can send emails at scale, a database to find prospects/customers, or keep track of customer activity. Do you do that?

I’m looking for an orchestration tool or Sales Engagement Platform - something that can send emails at scale, a database to find prospects / customers, or keep track of customer activity. Do you do that?

We’re explicitly focusing on non-orchestration activities, because there is such a robust market for these tools already.

In order to use Fabius, at a minimum you have to have a call meeting tool like Zoom and a CRM (HubSpot, Salesforce, etc). Many of our customers also use other tools like Outreach for sending emails, ZoomInfo or Apollo for a contact database, Jotform for client documents, Gmail/Slack for client comms, and many other tools.

We plug into your orchestration tools and make them work much better, because we add knowledge about what’s specific to each customer and sale. We will trigger actions within orchestration tools like sending emails, but we won’t send the emails ourselves.

Our expertly crafted content covers a spectrum of topics, from budgeting and investing to understanding credit scores.

See Fabius In Action

Curious how Fabius can move the needle on your unique sales KPIs? Let us create a custom demo, filled with insights from your team's actual calls and emails. No generic pitches - just a tailored analysis of how Fabius can become your reps' best sidekick.

See Fabius In Action

Curious how Fabius can move the needle on your unique sales KPIs? Let us create a custom demo, filled with insights from your team's actual calls and emails. No generic pitches - just a tailored analysis of how Fabius can become your reps' best sidekick.

See Fabius In Action

Curious how Fabius can move the needle on your unique sales KPIs? Let us create a custom demo, filled with insights from your team's actual calls and emails. No generic pitches - just a tailored analysis of how Fabius can become your reps' best sidekick.

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© 2024 Fabius Technologies. All Rights Reserved.

© 2024 Fabius Technologies. All Rights Reserved.